BH&G Five Star Home - vacation home designed by Emil Hanslin


This one, built by Emil Hanslin Associates at New Seabury on Cape Cod, offers the best in vacation living design with low-keep materials. Here are some of its features-musts for any vacation house:

Overall design concentrates on weeken or longer informal living needs-with contemporary flair. Bedrooms, though small, offer privacy-and there is sleeping space in the loft (gray area on plan, for four children or two adults. Storage and carport is under one of the projecting corners) is adequate summer or winte for stashing everything. 

The mildly contemporary exterior eliminates annual painting upkeep choirs. The roof is made of plywood sheets, covered with polyvinyl fluoride film; no shingles required. Exterior walls are sheathed with textured plywood. And the projecting corner of the roof offers overhead protection to the patio deck.

The spacious living-dining area offers an ideal gathering place for family. The loft, with a view in all directions, serves as a retreat or reserve sleeping quarters. 

Spartan in comparison to your everyday house dimensions, the house for vacation needs foremost: large central gathering place, minimal kitchen, you didn't come up here for heavy cooking, year-round livability.

Living area is 1,108 square feet house is 31x31 feet; the roof is 44x44 feet.