A GOOD ONE-STORY room arrangement combined with a distinguished exterior is rare, indeed. But Architect Walter Huenemoerder, Chicago, has succeeded in his design in bringing about both these very desirable features with, you'll note, two rooms and a bathroom in the upstairs portion. The first-floor plan provides for a recessed entrance in fine scale, opening into an attractive central hall, with a large coat and sports-equipment closet. The arched doorway into the living-room opens a lovely vista to the fireplace, and the bay window is not only a delightful accessory to this room, but an at- tractive feature for the exterior gable wing.
The bedrooms at the rear are sequestered from the living quarters, and the arrangement of breakfast room between the dining-room and kitchen is good. The garage is connected to the house by a small service porch providing comfortable and convenient all-weather communications between the two. On the exterior, shutters carry the lines of the home to the ground, and the dormer windows are in beautiful scale with the gable end.
So appealing is this design that Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stone, of Detroit, Michigan, had their own architect, H. Augustus O'Dell, adapt it to their needs when they built their new home.