Sunset Homes: Mill Valley California. A house on stilts designed by Marquis and Stoller


Building on a hillside can be an expen- sive venture, but there are ways to balance out some of the extra costs.

The house shown here, for example, was designed by architects Marquis and Stoller to take advantage of the existing grade on a site in Mill Valley, Calif. No excavation was required, and no costly retaining walls. To avoid digging into the hill for the lower floor, the architects simply pushed it forward (see sketch of side-view) and used part of its roof for the main outdoor living deck. Costs were also held down by using a boxlike construction with a simple framing system. But a high ceiling and the extension of roof beams over the deck keep the living room from seeming boxlike.

Kitchen and bathroom behind it are directly over two bathrooms below, to cut costs and concentrate weight on the uphill side. This approach simplifies plumbing problems.