Consulting Engineer: OTTO KUFILER, New York City.
Architect: A. B. LAGERSTROM. Chicago.
Supervisor: W. H. PENFIELD.
Chief Engineer. C. M. St. P. & P. R. J. !MIDDLETON.
Assistant Chief Engineer. C. M. St. P. & P.
This new station, completed in 1943. is exemplary of smart modernization of small stations, for it not only furthers economy of railroad operation and administration, but also advances passenger comfort and increases civic good will by its architectural lines and clean appearance.
The former old fashioned three-story brick structure was replaced by a completely modern one-story edifice in the latest streamlined trend. Design of the long, low building contemplates and provides for a postwar addition of a second floor. The new building occupies approximately the same site as its predecessor. It is situated between the tracks and a well-planned convenient motor parking area, set off with walks and lawns retained by neat curbing.
The station building itself is long and narrow, and extends along the tracks for 134'; it has an over-all width of about 35'. A 6' canopy extends from the building over the track platform. and goes around the end of the building to the town side. where it broadens and projects out over the main entrance. At this point there is a wide concrete platform for loading and unloading passengers from motor vehicles. The canopy bears on its edge in large, prominent cut-out letters. the words. "The Milwaukee Road". The roof is flat over the building. One outstanding exterior feature of the station is its rather square bay with sectional steel sash and glass window construction which forms the exterior walls of the Women's Lounge. and projects toward the street to the line of the main entrance platform.
INTERIOR. The station building provides For a combined Ticket and Freight Office, a Waiting Room, Men's Toilet, Women's Lounge and Toilet. Baggage Room, and Express Office and Storage Room. The ticket and freight offices are combined into one, permitting the agent to discharge both passenger and freight duties from the same office. A counter at one end of the office serves patrons who come into the public area from the street. At the opposite end, an-other counter with glass partitions opens onto the Waiting Room.
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