Miles Homes custom designed kitchen


Selecting your MILES HOME kitchen can be the most thrilling part of planning your new home. You've probably seen in magazines the latest trend in mod-ern, comfortable kitchens that take the drudgery out of cooking. You can plan kitchens like these with the MILES HOME PLANNING CONSULTANT . . . getting just what you want! All MILES kitchen cabinets are custom-designed and custom-built to your order at the factory — not on the job. Only carefully selected kiln-dried lumber is used. Under factory manufacturing methods your cabinets are built just like a fine piece of wood furniture, far superior to cabinets built on the job, and no more costly! Kitchen cabinets may be ordered factory pre-fin-ished in any beautiful rock-hard lacquer finish of your choice. A wide choice of hardware is available to match your furnishings. MILES can also supply you with nationally known brands of built-in kitchen appliances . . . at money-saving prices! The additional cost of these items will not increase your monthly payments to us.