1939. A four-suite from Deerfield, Ill. Constructor: Puritan Co. Architect: Godfrey E. Larson


AN APARTMENT building planned especially to satisfy the requirements and tastes of today's newlyweds was recently completed in Deerfield, Ill., a suburb of Chicago. It was designed by Architect Godfrey E. Larson and erected by the Puritan Construction Company. Four units of four rooms each occupy the two floors, with a basement providing adequate storage space, boiler room and generous laundry.

As seen in the illustration above, the exterior is styled in a pleasing modern manner. The simple entrance detail is flanked by the corner window treatment at the sides carrying strong, contrasting horizontal lines in the brick courses and muntins. This front is a combination of Bedford plain rubbed stone trim and white pressed brick.

In layout, detail and decoration the apartments carry out the efficiency and modernism suggested by the exte- rior, as indicated by the floor plans on the opposite page. Living room, bath and bedroom are grouped to the front off a reception hall. A Murphy In-A-Dor bed provides accommodations for guests; built-in book shelves are placed in the opposite corner of the living room. The dining space and kitchen to the rear are reached by a connecting passage which has been given ample width without leaving the bedroom too narrow for good arrangement. The kitchen is partially screened from the dining room by a ceiling high partition having built-in shelves. The compact kitchen features metal cabinets, linoleum covered counter tops and G-E refrigerator and range. Each apartment has a good sized rear porch with convenient access to the Kerner incinerator."

The interior decoration and trim (some of details being shown) were especially designed and selected to appeal to young moderns. Millwork is simple and kept to a minimum; wallpaper and color schemes will harmonize with modern furnishings.

Some of the other construction and equipment features are Jones and Laughlin Junior beam reinforced concrete main floor construction, Fenestra windows, plaster over Rocklath, Silvercote insulation in roof, clear red oak floors except Congoleum-Nairn linoleum in kitchens and tile in baths, Fitzgibbon boiler, Chrysler Airtemp unit and Young Streamaire concealed cabinet radiators, Standard Sanitary fixtures and Venetian blinds.

The building occupies a 50 x 200 foot site, a 4-car garage being located at the rear; it cost about $20,000.