1954 - NBC introduces a new show - "The Medic"


Easily the most sensational and most discussed new TV series of the 1954 is NBC's The Medic (Mondays, 9:00-9:30 EST), which deals so vividly with doctors and their cases that viewers sometimes feel they whiff hospital disinfectant. Each of The Medic's weekly half-hour shows is based on an actual medical problem and is filmed mainly in and around Los Angeles County Hospital. Principal characters are played by actors, but most of the nurses, technicians and doctors in attendance are recruited from the hospital staff, who sometimes have to rush from a make-believe operation in front of the cameras to cope with the real thing.

The Medic was originated and written by James Moser, who turned out more than a hundred scripts for Dragnet. Once in a while his new show suffers from the same monosyllabic, dead-pan tone. But by and large The Medic is concerned with such heart-wrenching problems of life and death - a pregnant mother dying of leukemia, an outbreak of bubonic plague, a small boy having an operation to correct his speech - that it rises above sensationalism and stands as one of TV's most absorbing adventures.


images and info provided by the LIFE Magazine / LIFE Magazine International / LIFE Magazine Atlantic ARCHIVE from the Zetu Harrys Collection