1954: Bob Hope brings Maurice Chevalier and Bea Lillie on the american television


Year is 1954. As the already vast U.S. television audience enlarged, the supply of fresh TV talent diminished. To cope with this condition, Bob Hope heads off to Europe to collect some new performers for his public - and to appear at a command performance for the Queen in London. He found a few new faces and figures but his best catches were a pair of old familiar hands. In a program filmed abroad, on December 7 1954 (NBC-TV 8 p.m. E.S.T.) Hope had alongside him the gallant 66-year-old Maurice Chevalier and acidic British comedienne Bea Lillie, who has long been known to the U.S. although for Chevalier this was his American television debut.


images and info provided by the LIFE Magazine / LIFE Magazine International / LIFE Magazine Atlantic ARCHIVE from the Zetu Harrys Collection