The abandoned Dixie Walesbilt Hotel, built in 1927 by Hollywood stars

This beautiful art deco 10 story hotel opened in january 1927 in Lake Wales Florida, at 5 Park Avenue West. It was built by famous precode Hollywood stars: Thomas Meighan, Mary Pickford, Gloria Swanson, Clara Bow, Florida Governor John Wellborn Martin, attorney Nathan Burkan and producer Victor Heerman.

According to a wikipedia article: 

"It featured shopping arcades, Italian-made ceilings and column capitals, a drinking fountain by Ernest A. Batchelder, Georgia Pink and Vermont Verde antique marble floors by Georgia Marble Company, a wrought iron balustrade, and a central mezzanine. [...] In 1995 it was sold at auction and closed. The interior was partially dismantled for reconstruction, which was never completed. [...]."

Back in its glory days,  the dining room was opened for the convenience of its guests during the season and was well known for its excellent cuisine and perfection of service. The Lobby (image below) and Mezzanine Floor, public and private dining rooms, guest room and suites were all equipped on a scale befitting that of the most modern hotel of that era.

Each of its 100 single and double bedrooms was equipped with steam heat and private bath, both tub and shower.

And here it is an image from the 1950s.