The great 1955 CBS-NBC rivalry for the Sunday night audience

 Operating on the theory that if a big show can get a big audience a bigger show can take it away, CBS-TV and NBC-TV have joined a bitter battle to capture the Sunday night audiences. CBS's Toast of the Town, which once used a battleship as a studio, came on march 1955 with, among others, Lillian Roth, dancers Mata and Hari and an all-American backetball team. NBC's Colgate Comedy Hour, which has taken to imitating Sullivan's vaudeville format, countered with the Gabor sisters and their motherm a Mrs. America and singers and comics at work on the decks of the S.S. United states. But audience surveys showed that the superliner with its Gabors couldn't top The Toast's talent.


images and info provided by the LIFE Magazine / LIFE Magazine International / LIFE Magazine Atlantic ARCHIVE from the Zetu Harrys Collection


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