1955, The American Can Company opened its research center in Barrington, Illinois



Probably no single item plays a more important part in our daily lives and yet is so easily taken for granted as the humble metal can. For life as we know it today would not be possible without the hundreds of products we use and enjoy--simply because a metal container makes them so readily available to us.

Naturally, we are gratified that most of the containers which have contributed so generously to our national and individual well-being have been pioneered and perfected by American Can Company Research over the past fifty years. And now ...

The shape of cans to come 

Who can even venture to guess what new miracles will be born at Barrington? For here, Canco's creative scientists will have the finest equipment and the most up-to-the-minute facilities of any container laboratory in the world.

Many dreams are already taking shape under our new roof. Studies are progressing in the use of atomic energy in the "cold sterilization" of foods.

"Good" isn't good enough 

Through experience, we have learned that no container manufacturer can hope to make a significant contribution to the nation's economy without never-ending research advancement. The good ways are not necessarily good enough. The formula for growth is constant change constant improvement, constant search for new containers

It is to this kind of change that Canco's new Barrington Research Center is dedicated to help our nation grow, and to help you and your family enjoy a better, healthier and more prosperous future.


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