A lovely American-Modern style living room from 1940


The wide sweep of drapery from ceiling to floor and from window frame to wall and mirror gives a spaciousness to the room that's in keeping with the contemporary trend. The mirrored wall over the mantel adds to the illusion of space, while thr gorgeous sunburst clock and the ornamental shells and glass figures temper its severity. Incidentally, the draperies are made of spun glass, a textile which you will hear much about during this year.

Creamy linoleum forms the background for the monotone texture rug, outlined with thick fringe. The walls, which you may have suspected were hardwood paneling, are an excellent imitation in wallpaper. Even the console piano is Modern, and its covering blends into the sophisticated beige, monotone of the walls and floor. The strong accent colors of deep blue, coral and lemon-yellow are completely Modern, and the severe lines of the  upholstered pieces are softened with deep, luxurious tufting. 


images and info provided by the Better Homes and Gardens Magazine ARCHIVE from the Zetu Harrys Collection