A beautiful 1942 Bildcost home from Prairie Village, Country Club District, Kansas City. Plans and interior photos provided


There's a picturesque "cottage" charm about the living-and dining-rooms that's as gay as it is endearing. Singing shades of rose-red and blue, with yellow accents, bring both rooms into close harmony. Furnishings everything from the dining table to the bric-a-brac—are miniature size to lend an air of spaciousness. Even the gleaming mirror over the mantel plays a role by doubling room space. You'll see a close-up of this cozy fireplace grouping on the cover.

The combination den-guest room above crackles with color—firecracker red, marine blue, and crispy white. There's sweet sentiment for the past in the maple furniture entwined with painted hearts and flowers, and the quaint-looking Currier and Ives prints grouped against plaid wallpaper.

Heart-warming and unaffected as a friend's "hello" is the bedroom. Bright red and white checks in curtains and bedspread are blithe companions for casual French Provincial furniture. How refreshingly simple are the color-flecked cotton-rag rug and neat striped wallpaper.

Small and simple, but far from humdrum, is this white-shingled Early American Bildcost Gardened Home. Everywhere in its design good taste and imagination substitute for dollars—see the plain front door relieved by fanciful trellises, amusing flower design painted around the entrance light, and flower boxes.


images and info provided by the Better Homes and Gardens Magazine ARCHIVE from the Zetu Harrys Collection