Morgan kitchens model #1


THE kitchen of your heart's desire can be fully realized right bere and now—TODAY! You can select just the right cabinets to fit the space you have available and fully meet the requirements of your family. In Morgan Kitchen Cabinets you get the last word in modern design; the most complete assortment of cabinet types for every kitchen need the most efficiently planned units, available right out of stock for immediate delivery to your door. 

Morgan Cabinets will quickly and inexpensively convert an old-fashioned kitchen into a room of beauty and convenience —a place that is really a pleasure in which to work—where utensils are just where they should be—always within easy reach and never in the way, The space arrangements in all Morgan Cabinets were suggested by domestic science authorities and consequently assure minimum waste of motion and time. 

Modern, indeed, in every detail of convenience these superior cabinets possess the beauty and perfection of accepted and correct design for which all Morgan products are famous. With Morgan Cabinets in your kitchen you can be proud of unerring taste in their selection and your pride in them will endure, for Morgan Cabinets endure. Built of 6ne wood—fitted carefully together by painstaking craftsmen these cabinets are made to give years of friendly service. Notice how snugly and flush the doors and drawers fit—no dust or vermin can find entry—notice, too, the excellence of the hardware—Chromium plated—dirt deflecting-rust proof! Examine the workmanship—then we feel sure you will insist on Morgan Cabinets for your kitchen!