1956 - Virginia Stefan from cereal to the serial "I Led Three Lives"


In June of 1953, a blonde young actress whose chief claim to fame was that she had posed for the illustration on a corn flakes box, was summoned to the offices of Ziv Productions in Hollywood. She was asked: “How tall are you? Can you act?” She answered: “Five-three and yes.”

That, and her resemblance to Eva Philbrick, wife of the volunteer who spied on Communists for the FBI, won Virginia Majewski Myers Stefan a role in the syndicated serial, I Led Three Lives. She plays the wife of Richard Carlson, who portrays Herbert Philbrick. 

The real Philbrick, who provides story lines for the series, pronounces Virginia a dead-ringer for his wife. “I think,” Virginia says modestly, “that’s had a lot to do with Eva's evolution in the show.”


TV Guide Southern Minnesota | 30 June - 6 July, 1956