1967. NBC "invades" The Whitney for their documentary: "The American Image"

What are America's modern painters and sculptors trying to express? It's that question that the final segment of NBC's documentary "The American Image," scheduled for showing this spring, will try to answer. 

Camera moves in on De Kooning's 'Woman and Bicycle,' as DeFelitta rehearses Marshall before Pollock's 'Blue Poles.' Sculpture is Gabo's 'Linear Construction.' 

Oblivious to Warhol's 'Marilyn Monroe,' Johns' Flag on Orange Field' and Davis's `Owhl in San Pao,' the TV crew attends to technical matters. 

DeFelitta and unit manager Ed Rossi rest as the cameraman marks out camera positions. At left is Sugarman's 'C Change'; at right, Chamberlain's 'White Velvet.' 

Backed by, from left to right, Wyeth's 'Winter Fields,' Held's 'Dowager Empress' and Rivers' Africa 2,' producer and technicians wait for the camera to roll.