1950 | American Home - House #20 | Designer: Robert A. Mackenzie | Owner: Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Grabner of Cleveland, Ohio


    People who write about houses have their own jargon, a lot of it plain doubletalk. They'll go on about a house being flexible,  expansive, livable, workable, and functional without coming out and saying whether it's good or not. Well, we're not only going to tell you that this frame house is good, but we're going to tell you why. One of the best things about it is the fact that an architect designed it so that it could be custom-built a couple of years ago near Cleveland, Ohio, for $18,000. When we're finished telling you the rest, we'll bet you'll know why we selected it as a Blueprint House for which you can get blueprints and a materials list.

    First, it's got a lot of floor space about 1,457 sq. ft. with a 600 sq. ft. garage. Now, a house doesn't have to be big to be good, but if you've got a couple of kids, you just can't squeeze yourself into any 2 by 4 house no matter how functional (oops!) it happens to be. But what's more, the space is well organized. Look at that kitchen-laundry where you can cook, launder, and feed the family with a minimum of footwork. That, friends, is good planning. And look at that wonderful snack bar that bears no resemblance whatsoever to the local diner or drugstore. Our plans show how it should be built, and they show the construction of those open shelves which divide the kitchen from the laundry Right off the kitchen is a hall with bath on one side and utility room on the other. According to the books on costs, that's just a single bath, but according to the books on usefulness, it's three. Anyway, if you can figure out a slicker way to make one bath do the work of three, we'd like to see it. Off by them-selves are three bedrooms, and the master bedroom, happily, is isolated from the rest of the house by a soundproof wall.

    The first things we noticed about the living room were the built-ins, but it also has a fireplace and picture window of attractive size. The built-ins are in our blueprints an L-shaped bench backed by a waist-high planter, making a fine room divider between living and dining rooms without cutting space.

      We haven't mentioned the good lines of the house because you have only to take a quick look at the picture of the outside to know it's the sort of house you'll always like to come home to.