The 1936 Heinz Radio Cooking Show


WHAT'S this swinging, musical tinkling filling the air these autumn evenings? It's Amateur Hour —in countless kitchens throughout the land! Pots and pans clank merrily—spatulas sing against skillets and the stirring music of a thousand spoons beats the joyous measure of gustatory conquest! You might well ask by what alchemy the leaden-handed tyro of the cook stove has become the glittering king of the kitchen ! For alchemy it is indeed. Yet it does not concern the magic of an era past—of vials and philters and incantations. Today's open-sesame to culinary skill is spelled in the house-hold name of Heinz, and vials and philters are replaced by tins and bottles bearing the keystone label of the 57 Varieties. If you would rise to gustatory fame, follow closely these two precepts: First, go to your grocer, and order from him a well-stocked shelf of Heinz magic short-cuts to cooking skill. Omit none—soups, sauces, ketchup; cooked spaghetti and macaroni; vinegars, olive oil; tomato juice; pud-dings; olives and pickles and all the tempting array of delicious viands that make up the famous 57! Then, learn to use each of these properly. By sending a dime to the House of Heinz, Dept. fl, Pittsburgh, you will acquire a copy of the Heinz Book of Meat Cookery or the Heinz Salad Book—either a welcome addition to the gourmet's library. Twenty cents will bring both books. FOR LADIES ONLY . . . a brand-new type of radio program, "Heinz Magazine of the Air." Three times weekly, a full half-hour of sparkling music, famous guest stars, romance, drama, homemaking, child problems. Listen in every Monday, Wednesday, Friday morning, 11 E. S. T.; 10 C. S. T.; 9 M. T.; 12 Noon Pacific Time, Columbia Network.