Maryland Crab Imperial recipe - TV Guide, Chicago, 1954-04-02


By Mr. and Mrs. Ken Calfee
Cooking experts on Station WAAM, Baltimore 

    BALTIMORE is noted for its fine seafood restaurants, and home menus often feature the oyster, clam, fish, and best of all—the Chesapeake Bay crab. 

One of the easiest ways to prepare crabs is to steam the green-brown shellfish until they turn a fiery red and serve in the shell like lobster. 

Most of you, however, are not able to buy crabs in your local markets. But genuine Chesapeake Bay crab-meat is available, fresh-packed, from coast to coast. For that reason we have chosen Crab Imperial as our selection for TV Guide readers. 

Maryland Crab Imperial 

1 lb. Chesapeake Bay crab lumps (back-fin); 1/2 green pepper, chopped & partially cooked in butter; 1 pimiento, chopped; 2 t. Worcestershire sauce; 3 T. mayonnaise; 1 egg white, lightly beaten; salt and freshly ground black pepper; 1/2 t. dry mustard; dash paprika. 

Place crab meat, pimiento, and sauteed green pepper in a bowl. Next combine other ingredients and gently fold into crab meat. Pile on scrubbed, dry crab shells or individual casseroles, garnish with pimiento strips. Bake at 375 degree F. for about 20 minutes or until golden. Serves 3-4. 

Serve with hot french fried potatoes, tossed green salad, Maryland beaten biscuits, Lady Baltimore cake, beverage.