All American Airways' specially-modified DC-3s are well-suited to the short-hop, short-stop pattern of feederline operations which AAA plans to inaugurate early in March. Picture at top shows the new- type cargo and passenger doors securely closed. (The telephone on the after bulkhead permits intraship communication as well as air-to-ground radio contact.) Below, a cabin attendant lets down the ramp, which is built into the cabin door. Passengers and cargo are quickly loaded.
All American Airways, which will suspend service on its ten-year-old air pickup system during the next few months, has set Mar. 7 as the target date to activate its conventional feeder routes with specially-modified DC-3s.
The change in AAA's status was finalized recently when the Civil Aeronautics Board ordered indefinite discontinuance of the pickup service by July 1. Coincidently, CAB issued All American a three-year certificate to inaugurate operations on its 2000-mile feeder system.