1939 California Homes - The Santa Rosa (C-11)


For the artist or professional man who combines studio or office with residence, here is a "custom built" idea. The side entrance allows movement to and from the studio without inconvenience to the rest of the house.

The living room, with large win- dows, slightly stepped up ceiling, bookcases under the stairs, and stairway designed with a long glass block window, combine to make this room attractive. The kitchen and breakfast room, as well as the studio, open onto a garden.

The second floor contains three bedrooms and bath and a spacious sun deck, arranged for staging out-of-door recitals or other social events.

An idea of the attractiveness of the unusual exterior design may be gleaned from the two pictures, above and lower left, taken from opposite ends of the house. The lower photo shows both entrances, to the living quarters at right and the studio entry at left.