1955. Gorgeous Grace Kelly relaxing on the Riviera during the Cannes Film Festival


American films stole the international movie show at the Cannes Film Festival this month but the most talked-about performance on film was the intimate little postprandial scene below. The man is French Movie Star Jean-Pierre Aumont: the girl is Oscar-winning U.S. Star Grace Kelly. The two friends, who had met in New York some time ago, were trailed to a Riviera restaurant by a Paris Match photographer. There, after lunch,Grace indulged in a romantic moment of hand-holding and hand-kissing while the photographer clicked steadily from a remote vantage point.

The pictures confounded some movie people who consider Miss Kelly a coldly practical career girl, but bolstered gossip that she was going to marry Aumont. Whatever else, the pictures provided a warmhearted record of two pleasantly happy people having an unashamedly good time.


images and info provided by the LIFE Magazine / LIFE Magazine International / LIFE Magazine Atlantic ARCHIVE from the Zetu Harrys Collection


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