On the set of "Daddy Long Legs"


In 1912 Jean Webster wrote a saccharine novel called Daddy Long Legs about an orphan who married her wealthy guardian. It was a huge success. So was the 1914 play based on the novel, starring Ruth Chatterton. So was a movie version in 1919 with Mary Pickford, a talkie version in 1931 with Janet Gaynor, and a London musical comedy version in 1952.

Now durable Daddy is a $3.5 million Fox musical, with Fred Astaire as the rich guardian and Leslie Caron the orphan. Daddy's faithful fans will recognize the time-tested plot, which the movie presents almost intact. They will be surprised, however, by the addition of two stupendous dream sequences, excerpts from which are shown here. Dreams are characteristic of Ballerina Caron's recent movies, but those in Daddy are far wilder, sexier and more expensive ($500,000) than any before.


images and info provided by the LIFE Magazine / LIFE Magazine International / LIFE Magazine Atlantic ARCHIVE from the Zetu Harrys Collection


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