Warfare in the atomic age (1955)


The Navy has been given greater mobility for atomic war by radical adaptations like the refueling operation  and weapons like the missile Terrier. Other equipment, including atomic power plants for ships already proved feasible in the submarine Nautilus, is coming.

The Navy, with these developments, envisions task forces of 10 combat ships, controlling 60,000 square miles of sea. As pictured above, such a task force can shift quickly while its three carriers launch strike planes for hit-and-run attacks or preparation for invasion. The force is ringed by antisubmarine defenses with helicopters acting as sonar listening posts. Seven missile-firing cruisers ward off enemy aircraft.

Coordinating blows are struck by missile-equipped submarines and by jet seaplanes which refuel at secret rendezvous with tanker-submarines, bomb targets and dart deceptively away to other submarine rendezvous.


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