Riding inside Skyway - Houston's first monorail and America's first hanging monorail


INSIDE COACH, Houstonians ride with a stewardess in attendance. The glass plastic car has room for 60, can go 60 mph. Passengers get a smooth ride and also a sensation of floating through space. 

America's first hanging monorail passenger convey-ance was on display last week in Houston, Texas. While crowds took turns riding, a gasoline-powered car shuttled along a 970-foot single elevated track (above). Builders of the demonstration monorail, Monorail Inc. of Houston, say it costs less to build than a subway or standard elevated system and hope it will appeal to U.S. cities with transit problems. 


images and info provided by the LIFE Magazine / LIFE Magazine International / LIFE Magazine Atlantic ARCHIVE from the Zetu Harrys Collection


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