The new 1956 Chevrolet was available in 19 colors


Are you feeling slightly dardreamy these days? Find yourself thinking of (seaway places where tall trees hem in the highway and sunlight skip. merrily along a chuckling mountain stream? That's spring fever, friend. It's curable, though—and we don't mean with sulphur and molasses. You just pick yourself out a frisky new Chevrolet and go find that mountain stream. Or, if you can't get away for the trip, just mining a new Chevrolet will do the trick. 

Sunday sightseeing around town and afternoon jaunts in the countryside are shiny new adventures when you're driving one of these (unloving new Cherie.. In all, Chevrolet often 19 sure cures for spring fever—all with Body by Fisher and horsepower ranging up to 225 for safer, happier traveling.


images and info provided by the LIFE Magazine / LIFE Magazine International / LIFE Magazine Atlantic ARCHIVE from the Zetu Harrys Collection


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