A Long Island Cape Cod Colonial home with a modern 1949 interior


Soft blue walls, white ceiling and woodwork, and a rich ruby-red carpeting form the background of the living-room. Black marble in the fireplace balances well the intensity of the ebony in the piano. Blue upholstery pieces melting into the room's background add restfulness. All the prints and photographic studies are framed in white. 

Simple curtaining welcomes worlds of light, so the blue walls never seem depressing, but rather a perfect antidote for the vivid warmth of the rug. In fact, light is as much a part of the room decoration as color. In the square dining-room is a white peony-patterned wallpaper with green leaves on a cinnamon brown ground. The dado we painted green to avoid too much pattern.


images and info provided by the Better Homes and Gardens Magazine ARCHIVE from the Zetu Harrys Collection


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