January 8th, 1935 - The King was born

 January 8th, 1935 -  The King was born. I am a huge fan. I love both his music and his movies. A lot of people complain that most of his flicks lack depth and are not Coppola level masterpieces. Guess what? Not all movies need to be like that. There's nothing wrong in having simple, charming, lighthearted, funny and romantic movies. And all his movies, and I've seen 'em all, are above any rom-com or romance flick made after 1990.

But out of all his movies my number one favorite is "King Creole". A very emotional, powerful and deep drama. A great flick, in which the gorgeous Carolyn Jones is simply amazing. And for me, she'll always be the best Morticia Addams in the only Addams Family that matters - the 1964 TV series.