On the set of Destination Moon (1950)


our well-equipped moon visitors inspect the desolate sun-baked waste of the moon's surface

"DESTINATION Moon” is not a Buck Rogers type thriller, but rather a highly entertaining documentary film, with a plausible story, done in Technicolor and based on the latest solar discoveries of today’s top scientists. It's an accurate and believable account of man’s first successful attempt to place a rocket ship upon the surface of the moon. What you see in “Destination Moon,” a George Pal production, is not fantasy, but precisely what scientists claim we may expect before long.

John Archer, captain os space traverles in film, finds that beyond earth's gravity there is no up or down

having arrived on the Moon, the explorers begin their photographic expedition.

industrialist John Archer gives Tom Powers okay for full speed ahead of the Moon Rocket project
