Esther Williams - a constant nymph | Screenland Plus TV Land, January 1954


Esther uses no double for her thrilling water ski scenes in "Easy To Love," filmed at the famous Cypress Gardens in Florida.

MANY singers who sign movie contracts are never cast in singing roles, many dancers do everything but dance, but not so with swimmer Esther Williams. She's had an unbroken success of swimming roles ever since she started making movies, back in 1942, in one of Mickey Rooney's Andy Hardy comedies. Moviegoers have enjoyed seeing beautiful Esther so much in her water routines that her studio, MGM, simply can't omit a swimming sequence, no matter what the plot of the picture, without causing an uproarious avalanche of criticism from fans and exhibitors. "Easy To Love," Esther's latest Technicolor musical, again features her in a spectacular water routine. But, as always, there's a newness to it and you feel as if never before have you seen this aqua queen perform, beauty in action being ever delightful to behold.