Alan Ladd, keeping complications out of carreer and home life | Screenland plus TV LAND, January 1954


"YOU HEAR a lot about the movies-much of it good, a lot of it bad. But movies have been good enough for me-and movies will be good enough for my children."

This simple and direct statement of one of Hollywood's most simple and direct stars characterizes much of Alan Ladd's sane and sincere philosophy. Like any parent, who wants the best for his

offspring, Alan could pay no better tribute to the vocation he chose for himself than that he would like them to follow in his own footsteps! Yes, those words tell a lot about Alan Ladd-a man who can achieve the top in Hollywood, stay at the top for ten years with no slightest sign of dropping in popularity, and come through all the hurly-burly of filmdom-the fantastic, jittery, up-and-down maelstrom- and still be gracious and grateful enough to say "Hollywood has been very good to me!"

So many other stars have dimmed and vanished like candles in a wind. What is there about Alan Ladd that rises above the rest? He'd tell you himself: I never let it get me!

To the Ladds-because to think of Alan is to include Sue Carol as a matter of course Hollywood and the making of pictures is a business, and they've treated it as such.

They never went overboard. Not in any way. Life is simple, and based on the fundamentals that matter whether you live in California, New York or Europe. In homes all over the world, the father goes to work every day, the mother takes care of the house and the children. The Ladds have never seen any reason why life in Hollywood should be different. Alan Ladd goes to work at a studio; Sue Carol Ladd plans the dinner, does the marketing, manages the routine of her children, and makes home a pleasant place for a tired husband. "Everyone has always tossed a lot of words around when it comes to Sue Carol and her place in Alan's life," says one friend.

The truth of the matter is that he says she made him what he is- but she says she's just a consultant.