Your new homes - minimum for moderns


This is one of the smallest houses it is possible to build, yet it lacks nothing in comfort and completeness for a young couple. Located on a lake front, this one-room house can be a week-end cottage and a memory of a happy beginning in the years to come. Part of the dramatic effect of this house is due to the cantilevered porch "with its knees in the lake". The module principle has been employed in the plan of this house for the economy in securing pre-cut materials, as much as possible. To show how this can be done, four foot squares are indicated.

There is one large room, planned with living, dining and sleeping areas in mind. There is a small foyer so that the front door does not open directly into the living room. The bather can go directly to the dress- ing room and shower, which can be entered from the back vestibule, too. The compact kitchen, and four large closets, make living easier.

Gay evenings before the handsome fireplace make this small house well worth remembering.