1950 Chocolate covered cocoanut bars recipe by Welch's

Welch Foods Inc. is a Concord, Massachusetts company owned since 1956 by National Grape Cooperative Association. Before that it was the property of the Welch family from Vineland, New Jersey.

In pop culture is mostly known for their sponsorship of  The Flintstones and The Archies.

1950 Chocolate covered cocoanut bars recipe by Welch's:

1 cup packaged, sweetened cocoanut (chopped fine)

2 cups granulated sugar

3/4 cup fresh sweet milk

1 tbsp. light corn syrup

1 tbsp. dairy fresh butter

1 tsp. vanilla

2 tbsp. marshmallow

1/8 tsp. salt

1 lb. semi-sweet chocolate

Stir sugar, corn syrup and milk in saucepan over fire till dissolved. Cover and cook to medium soft ball (240 deg.). Remove from heat and add butter, stirring only enough to blend. Pour on cold wet platter. When lukewarm (110 deg.) beat with spatula until thick and creamy. Mix in salt, vanilla and marshmallow. Knead in cocoanut and form into bars. When cool, cover with melted semi-sweet chocolate. Make 16 bars.