Miami Beach fashion of 1955


With its fashion industry growing 10 times in size since 1945, the Miami of 1955 has 125 firms manufacturing women's apparel, in 1954 sold $55 million worth of clothes for warm weather at any season of the year/ Some 2,500 buyers from all over the U.S., Canada, Central and South America come to Miami's three showings a year, attracted by such features as out-of-session sunshine, fashion shows at luxury hotels and on-the-spot ground for clothes.

Like California, where designers are influenced by year-round trans and open-air living, Miami turns out breezy, moderately priced clothes which are simple in cut, are made in bright colors and happy patterns. Buyers who tapped 1955's Miami market found itneresting versions of the specialty of all resorts - low-cut cocktail dresses designed to show off a tan. But they also found such new tricks as backless coveralls, form-fitting playclothes and elaborate sleeves on simple shirtwaist dresses.