Gregory Peck as Rath in The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit


The picture above, which could be an advertisement for a delicious new drink, is really a recipe of the basic ingredients that go into the making of a man in a gray flannel suit—including, in this instance, the man himself, portrayed by Cinema Actor Gregory Peck. As the hero of 20th Century-Fox's movie of Sloan Wilson's best-selling novel, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, Peck returns from a shattering war career and finds himself being drafted into the ranks of high-pressured commuters who people New York's advertising and public relations offices. He has to fight to keep from being permanently trapped in the competitive world of the single-track mind and the double martini, of the soft collar and the hard shell. The movie's producers acted on an old maxim Madison Avenue is fond of mouthing, "Don't send a boy to do a man's job," and threw $4 million (including a 1.5 million cast) into Man. But they have good reason to believe their gamble will pay off at least threefold. 


images and info provided by the LIFE Magazine / LIFE Magazine International / LIFE Magazine Atlantic ARCHIVE from the Zetu Harrys Collection


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